Thursday, June 9, 2011

Interesting facts about Bottlenose dolphins

One of the many great things about living on Sanibel Island is spotting dolphins on a regular basis.  The dolphins you will see the most around Sanibel are Bottlenose Dolphins.  Here are some interesting facts about Bottlenose.

Bottlenose dolphin's weight is 230 kg. As for its length, the Bottlenose dolphin measures approximately 3.9 m long. What is the bottlenose habitat? They live in all seas but seem to prefer warmer waters such as sub-tropical and tropical seas and regions.

In the Gulf of Mexico, along the USA coast, the population is estimated to be at least of 67,000 individuals.
When resting, a Bottlenose dolphin is taking two to three breaths per minute. When exercising, a Bottlenose dolphin can double up its normal respiration rate.  The average time between exhaling and inhaling times is thirty minutes for a Bottlenose dolphin and the process itself lasts about 0.3 second. The deeper he dives, the higher the pressure and the more often he will have to go back to complete his respiration process at the surface

The average diving depth for Bottlenose dolphins is 300 m.

A baby dolphin is called a calf. Around 8 to 10 years old, a female may start to be able to give birth every 2-3 years. Each time, one calf is born. The birth seasons vary depending on the region where the Bottlenose dolphin habitat is situated at the time.
The calf is born in the water with the assistance of another dolphin that can be male or female and is called and "auntie" which is also the only dolphin that will be allowed near the calf.

Dolphins are partly unconscious unlike us because they are asleep with one eye open. You see, being a conscious breather, the dolphin would suffocate and drown if he was unconscious. Also, sleeping with an eye open allows being aware of the presence of predators. During its sleep, his eyes and parts of the brain alternate during the whole time

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