Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sanibel Mayor To Address Committee On Lake Okeechobee Releases

Sanibel Mayor Kevin Ruane will provide testimony on the Lake Okeechobee freshwater releases before the Florida Senate Select Committee on Indian River Lagoon and Lake Okeechobee Basin in Stuart, Florida on Thursday, August 22. The committee is comprised of eight members chosen by Senate President Don Gaetz, including Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto of Southwest Florida.

Mayor Ruane will testify regarding the significant, detrimental and economic impacts of the high flow regulatory discharges on Sanibel Island and the coastal waters of Lee County; the urgent need for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
and South Florida Water Management District to consider all short- and longterm storage options; the necessity of
securing federal funding for the C-43 West Basin Reservoir Project and other long-term solutions; and the importance
of immediate ecological monitoring to determine the full impacts on the Caloosahatchee estuary.

“Our city’s top priority must be to move the state and federal governments into fully implementing the long-term
solutions to the Lake Okeechobee releases,” said Ruane. “If the past years of rhetoric and debate do not quickly move
these capital projects into implementation, we will have squandered our economy and the jobs and property values of
every person in Southwest Florida.”

Additionally, Ruane will address the tremendous economic impact of the releases on the area’s businesses, residents
and tourist destinations.

The workshop runs from 1 to 9 p.m. and “will explore short-term solutions or alternatives to reduce or eliminate current
releases from Lake Okeechobee,” according to the agenda.

This is the first of an expected four hearings as the committee works toward a November 4 deadline to submit a report
of its findings to President Gaetz.

For more information about the Senate committee, visit

Island Sun (August 23, 2013)

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