Friday, April 5, 2013

Captiva Memories By The Sea

The Captiva Island Historical Society premiers Captiva Memories By The Sea, a collection of oral histories filmed by local videographer Rusty Farst. The video will be screened at the Captiva Community Center on Tuesday, April 9 at 7 p.m. The 37-minute video features Captiva pioneers or their decendants, who describe - for the first time - their recollections of life on the island in its early days.

This is the third in a series of recordings of Captiva's early history presented by the island's Historical Society. Like its predecessors, this video includes original and entertaining footage of marine and bird life on the island. After the screening, stay and chat with neighbors and friends at a reception with wine and cheese provided by the Captiva Island Yacht Club.

Reservations are necessary, as seating in the Captiva Community Center is limited. RSVP to Cindy Sargent by calling 472-9933 or by sending an email to

Island Sun (March 29, 2013)

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