Tuesday, January 25, 2011


skirts and bell bottoms and most men wore beards or mustaches, and the top song on the radio was Silly Love Songs by Paul McCartney and Wings. January 29, 1976 was the same year a local eating establishment was founded as a tropical take on an olde English Pub theme, the Mucky Duck Restaurant on Captiva Island. The restaurant, which has become famous for its sunset views, delicious food and a tradition of vacationers and islanders is celebrating 35 years of business with a celebration on Jan. 30, 1 p.m. to dusk, at 11546 Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva Island. Parking will be available at the restaurant and our parking lot attendants will have suggestions to other locations during the day. Carpooling could be a great idea!

The year was 1976, the US was celebrating its bicentennial, the Concorde made its first commercial flight, a little known governor from Georgia Jimmy Carter became president. The fashion featured mini 35 th Anniversary Mucky Duck merchandise will be available for purchase. A portion of the events proceeds will benefit The Heights Foundation, a grassroots organization that works to break the cycle of poverty in the Harlem Heights neighborhood, located just off of the islands in the Iona McGregor area.
Starting at 1:00 pm. Nashville musicians and Grammy winner Brent Moyer will perform with Joe Sun, quoted by Johnny Cash as the best new singer to come into Nashville. At 2:30 to sunset will be The Yard Dogs, performing original uplifting and entertaining music which blends Zydeco, blues, blue grass, Cajun, country, folk and rock which they call "Florida Swamp Music". Barbecue and refreshments will be served. Admission of $30 will include food, fun, a day on the beach and 2 free drink tickets. Commemorative 35
 CELEBRATE 35 YEARS on Captiva, the world’s most beautiful island."  "I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than to create a beach party atmosphere at the Duck capped off with a spectacular sunset," said Mucky Duck Partner Victor Mayeron, who also serves as volunteer president of the board of directors for the Heights Foundation. "We’ll have great food, music and typical Mucky Duck hospitality as we

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