Friday, June 21, 2013

Google Glass real estate app enables house hunting on the go

SAN FRANCISCO – June 14, 2013 – Trulia has developed an app for Glass, Google's augmented-reality glasses that send users an alert when they are near an open house that matches criteria on their wish list.

The app is designed to display property listings right before the eyes of the wearer. The Trulia for Glass app will also let them know when they are close to an open house that matches their search criteria, even providing directions to the home. Additionally, it will let them contact the real estate agent and can read out a property description.

"The idea is to provide just enough fresh information that is personalized for me and relevant to my location," says Jeff McConathy of Trulia. "It's a very different experience than having your head buried in your phone while the world passes by." The app is slated for release in July.        

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