Monday, June 4, 2012

TV Documentary Continues To Explore ‘Ding’ Darling’s Legacy

Marvo Entertainment Group, LLC has several exciting announcements to share as production continues on their latest national television project. America’s Darling is the story of Jay Norwood “Ding” Darling (1876-1962), the Des Moines Register cartoonist and pioneering conservationist, who influenced Americans through his syndicated cartoons, creating awareness of urgent environmental issues and the need to preserve America’s natural landscapes.

Marvo had the opportunity to see Darling’s legacy in action and film a sneak peek at the Florida Junior Duck Stamp competition in Sanibel. This year’s contest, marking its 20th anniversary, received over 1,800 entries. Retired teacher Jaye Boswell, originator of the contest, which has since gone national, was excited about the success of this year’s event.

“It’s so wonderful to have so many active participants in this year’s Florida Junior Duck Stamp competition,” Boswell said. “How fabulous that the children’s artwork will be seen by thousands of people and will help educate them on the importance of protecting wildlife and their habitats. Every one of these delightfully-drawn designs of a duck, swan or goose has gone on a journey of its own through the eyes of a child.”

Seventeen-year-old Jefferson Jones, who has won the Florida Junior Duck Stamp competition for the past three years, is passionate about art and the environment, and will be one of Marvo’s interviewees for America’s Darling. 

“Winning for three years in a row certainly brings a great sense of personal pride, and accomplishment as it is really the greatest compliment I can receive as an artist to have my piece chosen to represent
all of Florida in this contest,” said Jones. “The Junior Duck Stamp program has opened a door into the world of wildlife art for me, introducing me to a field in which I feel I belong, where my passion for the
natural world and for art go hand in hand.”

Ducks Unlimited continued to celebrate its 75th anniversary with the latest in its series of special events in Washington, DC on April 17. Ducks Unlimited CEO Dale Hall, one of the featured interviewees for
America’s Darling, believes the Capitol Hill Dinner & Auction held special significance.

“It was a truly historic occasion to be in Washington, DC, celebrating our organization’s 75th anniversary with our supporters and partners in the nation’s capital city where it all began, but it’s just as exciting
to look forward to the next 75 years,” Hall said. “Recognizing what we’ve achieved to date with our partners, and the fact that there is so much more to accomplish for wetlands and waterfowl, reinforces the fact that Ducks Unlimited’s mission is just as critical today as it was in 1937.”

Marvo is also excited to learn the work of Florida artist Christopher M. Still has been chosen for the official poster for Viva Florida 500, the quincentennial commemoration of Juan Ponce de Leon’s landing
in Florida in 1513. Inspired by Darling’s work and conservation efforts, Still will be
creating something new and special for the America’s Darling project.

A Kentucky native, Marvo execu A Kentucky native, Marvo executive producer Samuel Koltinsky’s work is inspired by a passion for stories, history, preservation, and the environment. Over the past 19 years, he has produced numerous documentaries in Europe and the United States and has worked with PBS,
the History Channel and the Documentary Channel.

For more information about the America’s Darling project, visit

Island Sun (June 1, 2012)

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