Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Birding At The Preserves Begins January 20

                Join experienced birders on weekly outings to preserves owned and managed by the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation. Both new and experienced birders will see a variety of birds in a diversity of wildlife habitat. Botany enthusiasts are also welcome to help identify plats along the trails.
                Birding at the Preserves schedule for January:
                January 20 – Sanibel Gardens Preserve. Enter Island Inn Road from Tarpon Bay Road and park on the side of the road near the trailhead; or enter Island Inn Road from West Gulf Drive, park near barrier and make the short walk to the trailhead.
                January 27 – Periwinkle Preserve. Meet at the gazebo on Perwinkle Way, across the street from the Sanibel Community Church (and slightly west on Periwinkle). Park at Jerry’s Market or Mango Bay, away from their handicap and unloading areas.
                All walks begin at 8 a.m., but the locations do vary from week to week. All outings are free. Call SCCF at 472-2329 or 472-4031 for more details.

Island Sun (January 13, 2012)

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