Friday, July 15, 2011

Snowy Plover and Wilson Polver Nesting Update

Nesting season began in Feb and so far this year there are 11 fledglings Snowy from five nests, last year there were only 7 for the entire season.   Snowy Plovers, one nest is incubating and one nest has two chicks.  Dix nests predated, one had eggs that were not viable, one was washed out and then predated.

The Wilson Plovers, there are two nests.  One has hatched with three chicks and the second nest has fledged three chicks.

Nesting season is through Aug.  Please make sure to keep your dogs on a leash, respect the nesting areas, avoid flying kites near the nests.  Plovers view kites as predators.  Never chase birds on the beach, fill holes on the beach.  The holes can trap the chicks who can die from exposure.

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