Tuesday, March 1, 2011

PURRE Water Coalition Thanks John R Wood for Donations !

The Purre Water Coalition has received a total of more than $7,000 from John R Wood Island Real Estate Inc. and its agents since the company started a matching donation program almost two years ago.

The realty company's owners, island residents Joe Mondelli and Jay Richter, got together with their agents and chose PURE, People United to Restore our Rivers ans Estuaries, as one of the nonprofits to benefit from its charitable giving program.

"We're proud of our agents and very happy they chose PURRE as a beneficiary of their generosity," said Mondelli.  "They realize how important water quality is to this area, and its importance to our economy and business as well as our environment.  It affects absolutely everything.  PURRE is working to make things better and we're pleased to be able to do our part."

"These are tough times for nonprofits so we are especially grateful for John R Woods donations," said PURRE Chairman Michael Valiquette.  "The agents have been wonderful and have helped out as volunteers as well as financially.  We know these are challenging times for the real estate business as well, so their continued support means even more."

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