Friday, November 23, 2012

Mortgage Rates Remain Near Record Lows

Rates on the average 15-year, fixed-rate mortgage hit a new low this week, falling to 2.66%, according to mortgage giant Freddie Mac.

The 15-year is particularly popular with homeowners who want to refinance their old mortgages to a lower rate and pay off their loan more quickly.

Interest rates on 30-year loans, which are popular among first-time homebuyers, averaged 3.37%, a single tick above the record low of 3.36% set two weeks earlier.

Rates have inched down about 0.2 percentage points since the Federal Reserve announced plans in September to buy as much as $40 billion a month of mortgage-backed securities until the economic recovery started gaining momentum.

That may be happening already, according to Keith Gumbinger, of mortgage information company

"If the economy continues to show signs of improvement this fall, mortgage rates could firm a little more," he said. "For that to occur though, we'll need a lot more evidence that forward momentum is building."

Frank Nothaft, Freddie Mac's chief economist, said rates remained unchanged this week as "home construction builds up steam."

He noted that construction on single-family homes continues to rise, as does homebuilder confidence, both of which point to an improving housing market.

CNNMoney (October 18, 2012)

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ready for the Holidays?

The holiday season is a fun, magical time on the islands of Sanibel & Captiva. Kicking off the holiday season, 'Tween Waters hosts a Tree Lighting ceremony with food, drinks, like music and fireworks! Don't miss the spectacular event this Friday, November 24th 5p-7p.

Luminary is December 7th and 8th this year with lights, music, goodies and great sales up and down Periwinkle Way!

Don't miss the Golf Cart Parade on Captiva on Saturday, December 8th.

CLICK HERE for more information.

CLICK HERE for the Team Petel website.

Here are some great pictures from Holidays 2011 from Team Petel team member Ann:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Christmas Trees Are Coming Soon

submitted by at Lion, Bob

The annual Sanibel-Captiva Lions Charities Christmas Tree sale will be open for business on Sunday, November 25 at 10 a.m. The sale will continue every day thereafter from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. until December 23 or sell out.

The sale is held at the Bailey’s Shopping Center between The Grog Shop and Island Cinema. These trees are all Fraser firs from the mountains of North Carolina. The trees range from five to 10 fee tall. At the time of purchase, the Lions will provide a fresh cut at the bottom of the trunk and trim off the lower branches so the tree can be placed in a stand. Delivery is available at an extra charge.

Customers are encouraged to shop early as longevity of a cut tree is best if the base is placed into water as soon as possible and kept out of the sun and wind.

All proceeds of the sale are used for the Lions charitable causes including help for the vision impaired and other local causes.

For more information about the Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club email

Island Sun (November 16, 2012)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jingle Bell Walk Is Fun For A Good ‘Claus’

The Sanibel-Captiva Optimist Club invites you, your family, your friends and your leashed pet to walk/run on Sanibel’s Bowman’s Beach in the charity 5K Jingle Bell Walk to benefit local children’s needs. Start your walk anytime between 8 and 9 a.m. on Saturday, December 1.

Hey, kids! We hear that Santa will stop to see you at the beach. Bring the family with you to join in the fun.

Pre-registration is available online at Registration will also be at the beach starting at 7:30 a.m. Parking is free for participants as are T-shirts, water and refreshments. Registration donations are $20 per person while kids 10 and under and pets are free.

 Dogs that participated in past years’ Optimist’s Wave of Hope beach walks speak highly of the fun and are straining at their leashes to romp on the beautiful Sanibel beach, all for a great “claus.” People have fun, too.

Following the Jingle Bell Walk, the City of Sanibel Recreation Center will hold a free Block Party from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. open to everyone to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Rec Center.

The city’s Rec Center has been a partner for the Optimists in the Junior Anglers (kids’ fishing) and the Youth Basketball League.

Island Sun (November 16, 2012)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mortgage Delinquency Rates Fall In 42 States

by Jann Swanson

TransUnion, a big three national consumer credit reporting agency, says that mortgage delinquencies of 60 days or more duration declined in the third quarter to 5.41 percent from 5.49 percent in the second quarter.  This was the third consecutive month that the rate declined and it is now 8 percent lower than in the third quarter of 2011 when it was 5.88 percent.

Rates in 22 states improved from the second quarter and 42 states saw an annual decrease.  However, only 49 percent of metropolitan areas improved during the quarter; in each of the first two quarters of 2012 more than 70 percent of metropolitan areas showed improvement. 

"Continued declines in mortgage delinquency rates are a welcome sign and reflect that relatively more homeowners are able and willing to make their mortgage payments each month," said Tim Martin, group vice president of U.S. Housing in TransUnion's financial services business unit. "However, we still have a long way to go to reach more 'normal' conditions of a delinquency rate in the 1-2% range for the U.S. average." 

The greatest annual improvement in the delinquency rate occurred in two of the states most impacted by foreclosures, Arizona and California.  Since the third quarter of 2011 Arizona's rate has dropped nearly 25 percent to 5.62 percent and California's rates is down 24 percent to 5.56 percent.  The largest increase was in the District of Columbia where the rate jumped 11 percent to 6.10 from 5.57 percent one year earlier.  Eight states also experienced annual increases with New Jersey registering the largest, nearly 10 percent to 8.33 percent.  The highest rates in the country are in Florida at 13.09 percent and Nevada at 10.93 percent but both of these states did show an annual improvement.

TransUnion expects the mortgage delinquency rate to fall again in the 4th quarter, but only slightly. "It's generally tough to expect improvement in delinquency rates in the fourth quarter of the year given the extra demands on household income that many experience during the holiday season," said Martin. "However, we saw some improvement in the housing market in the third quarter with regard to house prices, home sales and increased refinance activity, and we believe we will start to see these numbers reflected in improved mortgage delinquency next quarter. As such, we forecast the year-end delinquency rate to improve to something in the 5.25%-5.35% range." (November 13, 2012)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Holly Ball Set For December

Plans are under way for the Holly Ball, scheduled for December 9 at The Sanctuary Golf Club. The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company is the master sponsor for this event that benefits CROW (Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife). Tickets are $125 and additional table sponsorships are available. The evening will feature cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner and dancing.

For further information, email or call 395-0048.

Click Here to visit the Team Petel website!

Island Sun (November 16, 2012)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Taste of the Islands!

Taste of the Islands 2012 was another success! Team Petel member Ann enjoyed a beautiful November day with friends, eating, listening to live music and best of all supporting C.R.O.W. Click Here to learn more about C.R.O.W. Click Here to learn more about Taste of the Islands.

We had a great time listening to entertainment by Rocker and Stolen Fruit. We enjoyed cake from The Bubble Room, steak sandwiches and BBQ shrimp from Cip's, Steak Pita from Sea Star Cafe and BBQ Pork Sliders from Bailey's Catering. YUM! We're already looking forward to Taste of the Islands 2013.

There are many more upcoming activities to enjoy on Sanibel & Captiva! Including Captiva Holiday Village and Luminary! See you there!

Click Here to view the Team Petel website.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

As part of the Captiva Holiday Village festivities, the Captiva Lighted Boat Parade committee is accepting registrations for participating vessels.Sponsored by the Sanibel Captiva Trust Company, the parade will take place at 6 p.m. on Saturday, December 1 just outside Roosevelt Channel, Marker #2. The route will follow Roosevelt Channel to ‘Tween Waters Inn and back. There is no entry fee for the boat parade, however, a minimum of 100 lights is required for entry (but more are encouraged).

Prizes will be given for the best-decorated vessels from any of three categories: powerboats 36 feet or more, powerboats 35 feet or less and sailboats of all sizes. First place prizes include the following: three-day and two-night stays at South Seas Island Resort, ‘Tween Waters Inn and Jensen’s Marina and Cottages; gift certificates from The Green Flash Waterfront Restaurant and the Old Captiva House; and a water-sports package from Best Boats & Carts. Runner up prizes include a $500 gift certificate from Offshore Sailing School, golf for four at The Sanctuary Golf Club, a private charter from Captiva
Cruises on the Adventure Sailing Catamaran, and kayak rentals from Captiva Kayak
An awards party will take place at Keylime Bistro on Andy Rosse Lane following the parade.

Special dockage rates for participating boats are available from South Seas Island Resort, ‘Tween Waters Inn, Jensen’s Marina and McCarthy’s Marina.

Captiva Cruises will also be offering passenger tickets for those without a boat to cruise in the parade and be part of the fun, or groups can arrange their own private charter on one of the Captiva Cruises boats. Contact Captiva Cruises at 472-5300 for reservations and more information.

Public viewing of the parade from land is available at The Green Flash Waterfront Restaurant, ‘Tween Waters Inn, Jensen’s Marina and McCarthy’s Marina.

Sponsored by hoteliers, merchants, attraction owners and restaurateurs of Captiva Island, the three-week-long Captiva Holiday Village spectacular launches the Friday after Thanksgiving with fireworks, tree lightings, holiday readings and musical performances.

Each special-themed weekend, beginning November 23 through December 9, will be a fun-filled extravaganza of sight and sound, set against the backdrop of the Gulf of Mexico and evening sunsets.
During the event weekends, visitors will enjoy everything from decorated golf cart and lighted boat parades to Junkanoo and fire dancers, live music and even a Marching Mullet Parade.

All three weekends of events take place in Captiva’s “village” center, where its colorful restaurants and shops will be festively decorated.

To register your boat to be in the parade, visit and download a registration form, or contact Brad Junghans at 472-5200 or visit

Island Sun (November 2, 2012)

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

It’s Official! Sanibel Stoop Record Confirmed By Guinness Book Of Records

We are pleased to welcome you to the very select club of Guinness World Records title holders.” That was the message delivered in a letter to The Community House last week, confirming that last February’s assembly of islanders and visitors doing The Sanibel Stoop at Bowman’s Beach had been accepted as an official record.

The record attempt was staged by the Sanibel Community Association (SCA), which operates The Community House, as part of celebration surrounding the 75th anniversary of the Sanibel Shell Show & Fair. The Community House has been the longtime home of the Sanibel Shell Show and Fair, which
was first hosted in the 1920s by Hallie “Granny” Matthews in the lobby of The Matthews Hotel on the beach. Over the years, the Sanibel Shell Show & Fair has grown to become one of the world’s most prominent events in the shell collecting world.

The official tally of “stoopers” registered and confirmed for the event was 478, although an additional 300+ unregistered participants were also observed to be on hand. The record set was for the category of Largest Treasure Hunt Game. To be counted officially a participant had to identify themselves, sign
in, and participate in a treasure hunt for shells on the beach. Official participants at the event received a commemorative T-shirt sponsored by Congress Jewelers, and now that the record is official, The Community House has plans to create a new t-shirt proclaiming Sanibel’s championship status.

A diverse group of Island organizations and individuals supported and assisted the effort, which was captured by news cameras and succeeded in attracting significant national media attention. The Lee A diverse group of Island organizations and individuals supported and assisted the effort, which was captured by news cameras and succeeded in attracting significant national media attention. The Lee to commemorate the event.

“We wanted to do something special to call attention to the 75th Anniversary of the Shell Show & Fair, and to reinforce Sanibel’s position as a special place for shelling,” said Marge Meek, Sanibel Community Association President. “The Guinness Record attempt captured the idea that hunting for shells can be a lot of fun, and there’s no better place than Sanibel to do that.”

Island Sun (November 2, 2012)

Team Petel  - Click Here for our team website.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sanibel Community Church To Dedicate New Facilities

This Sunday, November 4 at the annual reunion picnic at noon, the Sanibel Community Church is inviting the community of Sanibel and Captiva to a service of dedication of the new sanctuary, office buildings, youth center, children’s ministry center and adult education wing on the church campus. Even though the new sanctuary is not open, the gathering will be a celebration of songs and prayers, thanking God for the wonderful new facilities. The new youth and children’s areas will be open for tours.

As the $4,900,000 project comes to completion, the congregation is filled with gratitude and enthusiasm to serve the community of Sanibel and Captiva. A luncheon of hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken
strips and wonderful accompaniments will be served to all in the Fellowship Hall and courtyard, followed by a brief gathering at the cornerstone of the new 630-seat sanctuary for a time of prayer and singing. All are welcome to attend.

That morning, at all three worship services in the Historical Chapel at 7:45, 9 and 11 a.m., there will be a brief video of the project, from first shovel to present, with a time of prayer and dedication. The picnic and outdoor dedication will follow immediately after the 11 a.m. service. 

Sanibel Community Church is located at 1740 Periwinkle Way (next to Jerry’s Market). For more information, call 472-2684 or visit

Island Sun (November 2, 2012)

Team Petel - click here for our team website

Friday, November 2, 2012

Taste Of The Islands Is Next Weekend

Taste of the Islands, presented by Edison National Bank/Bank of the Islands, is an annual fundraiser for
the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW). CROW not only benefits from the money raised but by helping attendees better understand the organization’s mission of saving wildlife through compassion, care and education.

“We are pleased that as a non-profit organization, we can host an event that draws a group from across all of Southwest Florida,” said Steve Greenstein, executive director of CROW.

This year’s Taste, on Sunday, November 11 from 12:30 to 5 p.m. at Sanibel Community Park, celebrates the 31st year of the tradition in which 20 restaurants from Sanibel and Captiva participate.

“We draw from the best local independent eateries in all of Florida and that is what makes the event so special,” said event chair Melissa Congress.

This year’s Taste features two acclaimed local bands, Rocker and Stolen Fruit, as well as face painting by Ms. Sylvia and specialty T-shirts with the Taste logo designed this year by Dave Drotleff.

The server competition run by the City of Sanibel’s Recreation Department has become a favorite in recent years, with relay teams sprinting to deliver drinks without spilling. Another popular recent addition is a silent auction offering a diversity of items from gift certificates for various fine jewelry stores to stays in nearby beach resorts, to services and even a year’s social membership at The
Dunes Golf & Tennis Club, or golf and tennis lessons

This annual treat is only possible through the support of sponsors like Edison National Bank/Bank of the Islands and the many other supporters including:

Gold – Adventures In Paradise, Coral Veterinary, Molnar Electric, Sam Galloway Ford, Warm Vanilla Sun

Friends – Brian Murty, realtor, Budweiser, Congress Jewelers, Donna and John Schubert, LCEC, Linda and
Wayne Boyd, RS Walsh Landscaping, Sanibel Gear, Sanibel Taxi, Veolia

Supporting – Barrier Island Title, Billy’s Bike & Rental, Caloosa Tent & Rental, Dan Hahn Custom Builders, Greenwood Consulting, Heidrick & Co. Insurance, Inns of Sanibel, John Gee & Co., Nave Plumbing, South Seas Island Resort, ‘Tween Waters Inn.

Media sponsors include the Island Sun, The River Weekly News and Times of the Islands.

For more information, visit

Island Sun (November 2, 2012)

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Make your plans now to attend SCCF’s Wines In The Wild. Wine and food lovers will gather from 6 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, November 10 on the grounds of the SCCF Nature Center. This year’s theme, Toasting Our Good Nature, will feature a variety of wines that celebrate the natural world paired with a delicious array of foods. “We are looking forward to a fun evening that will benefit the many SCCF programs,” said event organizers Linda and Tom Uhler. “We are especially thankful for the individuals who have stepped up to help ensure the financial success of this fundraiser as a part of our Host Committee.” The Host Committee includes Linda and Wayne Boyd, Tory and Bill Burch, Leone and George Graham, Anne Haslem and Edward Wheeler, Janie Howland, Mike Kelly, Deborah and John LaGorce, Kay and John Morse, Roberta and Philip Puschel, Joyce and Don Rice, Nancy and Chip Roach, Robbie and Geoff Roepstorff, Lucy and Paul Roth, Donna and John Schubert, Nanelle Wehmann, and Martha and John Wolf. Wines In The Wild is sponsored by Bank of the Islands. Tickets are $75 per person. Reservations are requested in advance and can be made by calling SCCF at 472-2329.

Make your plans now to attend SCCF’s Wines In The Wild. Wine and food lovers will gather from 6 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, November 10 on the grounds of the SCCF Nature Center. This year’s theme, Toasting Our Good Nature, will feature a variety of wines that celebrate the natural world paired with a delicious
array of foods.

“We are looking forward to a fun evening that will benefit the many SCCF programs,” said event organizers Linda and Tom Uhler. “We are especially thankful for the individuals who have stepped up to
help ensure the financial success of this fundraiser as a part of our Host Committee.”

The Host Committee includes Linda and Wayne Boyd, Tory and Bill Burch, Leone and George Graham, Anne Haslem and Edward Wheeler, Janie Howland, Mike Kelly, Deborah and John LaGorce, Kay and John Morse, Roberta and Philip Puschel, Joyce and Don Rice, Nancy and Chip Roach, Robbie and Geoff Roepstorff, Lucy and Paul Roth, Donna and John Schubert, Nanelle Wehmann, and Martha and John Wolf.

Wines In The Wild is sponsored by Bank of the Islands. Tickets are $75 per person. Reservations are requested in advance and can be made by calling SCCF at 472-2329.

Island sun (October 26, 2012)

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